Our Mission
In accordance with all applicable regulations, state and federal laws, Continental Secret Service Bureau, Inc. will provide the very best possible security program for a client commensurate with the individual needs and idiosyncrasies of each specific location. Continental will utilize a full range of alternatives to reach the established goals for each client location.
To Our Clients
We pledge our dedication to service and excellence in our programs.
We tailor all programs commensurate with client needs.
We give client needs our highest priority
To Our Team
We dedicate our strongest effort to quality training of our team members.
We strive to provide our clients with service, service, SERVICE!
We reward sustained quality performance with internal promotion and monetary increases.
To the Security Profession
We will always set the example and observe the highest standards of professional ethics
We will always participate in and contribute to the betterment of the security profession
We realize success in the security profession will come to us only through hard work and a firm commitment to excellence and efficiency.